Butt Shot with @Ladylockoff

Acceptance is the powerful theme that Irene Yee aims to inspire through her evocative photography—not in a dramatic sense, but as a celebration of genuine experiences and emotions.
“I think being there as somebody is struggling and trying to get their bearings, and being right there to encourage them is really a beautiful and empowering thing,” she shares, highlighting her commitment to capturing authentic moments in the climbing community.
“The best feeling is being at the top of the chains with a female climber on her first sport lead, you know, a 5.7, and giving her a high five at the top,” Yee recalls, emphasizing the joy of shared achievements. “It’s amazing to give a climber, who climbs purely for the joy of it, something back. To be like, ‘Oh look! This is you! Here’s your first lead.’ It’s an incredible feeling to provide a woman with a solid memory of what she just achieved.”
But Irene is not just a photographer; she is a vibrant presence at every climb, serving as an ego booster and cheerleader. “I am not a person who documents climbing photography. I am a person yelling and encouraging the climber as they come up to me,” she affirms. “It’s amazing to see anyone, no matter their limits—whether trying to lead their first 5.7 or finishing their first 5.14 climb—and to celebrate that moment with them. It’s a feeling that’s hard to describe because it’s so incredible. Capturing that moment is truly an amazing experience

Through her lens, Irene captures the essence of acceptance in the climbing world, particularly for women. She believes in showcasing that women are not excluded from male-dominated sports and that they do not need to be the best or fit a specific mold to participate and excel.
“You can be colorful. You can wear makeup. You can be a dirtbag. Whoever you are doesn’t prevent you from climbing, and whoever you are doesn’t stop you from doing what you want in life,” she declares passionately.
Irene Yee’s photography is not just about images; it’s about inspiring a movement toward acceptance, empowerment, and the celebration of individual identities in the climbing community. By capturing the authentic moments of women climbers, she invites everyone to embrace their uniqueness and pursue their passions without hesitation.