Climbing Hand Care

Have you thought much about your climbing hand care routine? Better yet, do you even have one?
As a climber, your skin is precious and must be carefully cared for. How often have you blamed your skin after falling off the wall? Be honest.
Hand care is not just a luxury, it's critical, especially as a climber! Neglecting it could lead to skin that is too dry, cracked, thin, or not tough enough. The list of potential issues is long, as are the excuses climbers use when they fall.
To reduce your excuses for falling off your project, learn to take proper care of your hands- but don't worry, you can still blame the conditions.
Wash your hands!
Washing your hands is how you stay healthy, but you should specifically wash your hands after each climbing session. Excess chalk on your skin will dry your hands, resulting in thin, dry, or cracked skin.
Make sure you thoroughly remove all chalk residue after your climbing session. Whether you're climbing in the gym or outside, the holds, your crash pad, and the rope are likely dirty. You should wash your hands after dealing with any of those anyway!
Moisturizing is a sure way to keep your skin healthy and flourishing. Do so regularly and not just after a climbing session.
Choosing the right moisturizer can sometimes require trial and error. Not all skin is made the same, so you may have to work to figure out which moisturizer suits you best. Plus, you can always grab a refreshing fragrance that you can enjoy throughout the day!
Callus Care
Nothing is worse than ripping off a hard-earned callus- okay, sure, many things are worse, but that doesn't mean it's not fun. It's painful, can halt your climbing session, and will require a ton of climbing to get back.
Once your calluses begin protruding from your hands/fingers, be careful pulling on jugs or holds you can fit your fingers in easily. If your calluses are bunched up after gripping a hold, it's time to file those bad boys down.
The Right Chalk
Like moisturizer, choosing the correct chalk can be a stressful guessing game. Depending on your skin type, you may need chalk with more drying agents, pure magnesium carbonate, or stuff that isn't as finely ground.
While many chalk options exist, only some options are suitable for you. Through sometimes stressful testing, you'll find the best choice for you. Be open to trying different types!
Hot Water ≠ Healthy Skin
Unfortunately, long, hot showers may not be great for your skin. Hot water can strip your body of essential oils and its natural moisture barrier. When you wash your hands, do so with lukewarm water.
Plus, prolonged exposure to hot water can ruin your calluses and destroy all your hard work. It can make them softer and more likely to rip when climbing. Hello flappers!
Overnight Climbing Salve
Applying a salve before bed is another way to improve your climbing hand care routine. Doing this will help your skin recover and improve its health while sleeping.
Many salves leave hands feeling greasy. Wear a thin pair of soft gloves to combat this after applying them to your hands. It may feel weird initially, but you'll notice the improvement if your skin needs help!
Exercise Your Hands!
Your skin isn't the only aspect of climbing hand care. Strong hands are the recipe for staying injury-free. Stretch and strengthen your hands to improve your climbing and stay healthy.
Before and after any climbing session, stretch your hands and fingers. You can also start a hangboard routine to strengthen your fingers or perform some grip exercises to improve your hand strength.
Trim Your Fingernails
Long fingernails can sound like scraping a chalkboard when you grab climbing holds. If that bothers you, consider trimming your nails before each climbing session. Keeping a pair of nail clippers in your bag is also an excellent tip for those dire situations!
However, some pro climbers, like Adam Ondra, have been known to keep their nails longer for a slightly improved grip. You will have to find the happy medium between the perfect length and nails that are too long.