Ambassador Spotlight | Brennan Robinson

Hometown: Sunnyvale, California
Q: What’s your climbing style?
A: Overhanging bouldering
Q: What is your proudest accomplishment in climbing, and outside of climbing?
A: All of the above V13
Q: What advice would you give to your first year climbing self?
A: Climb as much as possible.
Q: Who do you take advice from and why?
A: I take advice from friends and people who have experience in a field in which I look to further for my own

Q: How has your training for climbing changed in the last year?
A: Within the last year, I ramped up my training a lot. I train almost every day within different muscle groups
Q: How has climbing affected the people you choose to surround yourself with?
A: I surround myself with genuine friends only and I was lucky enough to connect with them through climbing and it has brought us closer than ever.
Q: What have you done to give back to the climbing community?
A: I have participated in many events through local climbing gyms that help raise money for the access fund and other organizations that have a positive effect in the climbing world.
Q: What have you learned from failure?
A: I learned that anything can be possible with consistency. Keeping the motivation and learning from failure is one of the most important aspects of climbing.

Q: Who are the climbers that inspire you the most and why?
A: The climbers that inspire me the most are my group of friends I climb with. We all push each other to the physical limit and grow stronger as a whole.
Q: What is your favorite climbing location and why?
A: Bishop, California. Bishop is a magical place with climbing, food, scenery, and memories with friends.

Q: Why Butora Climbing?
A: I originally found Butora right when the Acros came out and I got a pair and loved them. Butora is an awesome company with fun people and amazing products!
Q: What are your favorite before and after climbing meals?
A: Favorite before climbing meal is eggs, fruit, and toast. Favorite after climbing meal is chipotle.
Q: What is your spirit animal?
A: A monkey. I’ve loved monkeys since I was a kid, and everyone always calls me one now because of climbing.
Questions from the Internet
Q: What differences have you found in climbing Narsha versus climbing in Acro?
A: The Narsha is a more stiff shoe that keeps its shape and stiffness throughout the life of the shoe more than the Acro. The heel in the Narsha feels as if it cups my heel more and is super secure when heelhooking. Acros are great shoes for a softer fit and precise touch.
Q: What are some tips you would give to new outdoor climbers about crag etiquette?
A: Leave no trace and respect nature and other people.

Q: Tips you would give to someone who is stuck on their project? How do you stay motivated when you are stuck?
A: Staying motivated can be difficult but appreciating the process of each climb comes with experience and one the project goes down it all becomes worth it.
Q: How have you overcome fear in climbing (fear of falling, fear of failure, etc.)?
A: Don’t look down! Have confidence to not fall.