Beta Blog
Are you looking to plan an outdoor climbing trip but don’t know where to go? Look no further. The United States offers some of the best climbing crags for bouldering, sport, trad, deep water soloing, and more. But with so...
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The climbing gym reset your project; now what? It's easy to be discouraged about your climbing abilities or to simply be bummed out! It may not seem like it, but you learned a lot over the days/weeks of projecting. No,...
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Purchasing a new pair of climbing shoes isn't an easy decision. A new pair of shoes can cost $200 and potentially needs replacing within a year. So instead of purchasing a new pair, the climber in question will dilly dally,...
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Is rock climbing a good workout? Let’s play a game to find out. Use “Cntrl (or Cmd) + F” and type in a body part. Your task is to name a body part, and our task is to tell you...
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Good climbing photos take a lot of work to capture. If you decided to whip out your phone or camera to take a few shots of your friend you brought climbing for the first time, chances are it’s a “bum...
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